Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Recognizing patterns,
Between what is said and what is done.
Venturing far to one end before a swift retreat -
Back to something, you're not quite sure of.
Maybe it all is a sickness?

We never break out,
From this cycle of growth.
We only learn to progress faster
Through each stage -
Learn to keep on moving.

Every time I love you is said,
And every hypothetical whim,
My armor quivers beneath myself.
Still I know I must not be moved.
How can I stand and not be moved?

Whether shooting from the hip,
Or shooting with our lips -
Your aim is always perfect.
My heart is always hit.
And still I wouldn't have it any other way.

What stage am I at?
How long will it last?
It's different than at first,
And different from the last.
Recognizing patterns.

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