Thursday, August 21, 2008

Though No one Knows

We turn the lights like turning keys,
Exiting a room. Closing a door.
She smiles on the street, like a window;
No one else knows the things that go on below.
He says he's fine, texture aside,
No one else knows the pain behind his eyes.

It's like a game of hide-n-seek,
That we play, you and me.
We're like two peanuts in our shells,
Full of so much that we never show, never tell.
We don't even remember who first told us to cover up,
Gardens and Falls away, leaves and skins holding up.

Take my hand, mine's in His, i am me and He knows this.
Turn the lights out when you leave,
Don't forget to leave the keys.
Leave the doors widely open,
Hold your heart, though it's broken,
Up to One who knows

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