Friday, February 22, 2008

Life. Love. Live

I pulled in at 4:30 late, as always.
Who can say, really why I'm here?
But some force drew me to this doorstep,
Some heart pulled me in.
A smile and a cigarette usher me in the door,
Sounds of talk and laughter shatter worry and fear.
Rolling up sleaves, preparing a meal;
Laughing and speaking, slowly and real.
Lines formed around, first women and children,
Men waited patiently in the back of the row.
"Would you like some...", "Oh, si!"
She smiles with her tray in hand,
"That's my son over there". He's beautiful.
Tray after tray, serving up salad;
Smile after smile caught up in a cafeteria ballad.
After all is said and done, we sit among the rich;
Who speak and live and know, more than simple education.
But lives far more free than I know.
Maybe in this life, they've been cheated.
Can't hold a steady job, and their brilliance;
The world won't see...
But in Heaven, I expect to see seated -
Next to Jesus, the world's homeless, dejected and poor.

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