i am unfinished in the Hands of a Working GOD.
there are mountains before and mountains behind, things will always change.
God is Himself unchanging.
i have not the strength to carry on nor the will to do so,
but through CHRIST, i can do all things.
i am weary of religion, and weary of carrying the weight of a world laden with hurt and bondage.
weary of hearing empty words spoken from empty mouths, with eyes so full of despair.
mourning the cry of the poor, the hungry, the forgotten in a world which has deaf ears.
we all see the need, and yet we all think of ourselves first.
i condemn no one, only what i fight in myself.
there lies within a longing to fight for a change to help others, but when you cannot even combat yourself on your own strength, what arrogance to think i can take on a world of people just like me.
God can change the world.
God can change my heart.
i trust to God the future, as i am yet just as unfinished as it.
we are unfinished works in the Hands of a Working God.
HE has never left anything unfinished, and all that He makes is good.